Option Explicit
'Script written by Savannah Bridge
'Script version Monday, October 06, 2008 11:47:39 PM
Call Main()
Sub Main()
Rhino.EnableRedraw (False)
'Here we call the Sub Routine Spirals specifiying
'the minimum and maximum depth of the curves.
Spirals Null, 0, 3
Rhino.EnableRedraw (True)
End Sub
Sub Spirals(spiral, depth, maxdepth)
If depth = 0 Then
Rhino.Command "Spiral f 0,0,0 1 1,1,1 M=Pitch P=2 10"
'here we make sure the last created object has only one object,
'rather than an array.
spiral = Rhino.LastCreatedObjects ()(0)
End If
If depth < color="#ccccff">'divide the original spiral and add points
points = Rhino.DivideCurve (spiral,8,True)
Dim i
'This loop just scales the original spiral to 1/4 the
'size and creates a copy at all points.
For i = 0 To Ubound(points)
Dim newSpiral
newSpiral = Rhino.ScaleObject (spiral, points(i), Array(0.25, 0.
25, 0.0), True)
Spirals newSpiral, depth+1, maxDepth
End If
End Sub
'Script written by Savannah Bridge
'Script version Monday, October 06, 2008 11:47:39 PM
Call Main()
Sub Main()
Rhino.EnableRedraw (False)
'Here we call the Sub Routine Spirals specifiying
'the minimum and maximum depth of the curves.
Spirals Null, 0, 3
Rhino.EnableRedraw (True)
End Sub
Sub Spirals(spiral, depth, maxdepth)
If depth = 0 Then
Rhino.Command "Spiral f 0,0,0 1 1,1,1 M=Pitch P=2 10"
'here we make sure the last created object has only one object,
'rather than an array.
spiral = Rhino.LastCreatedObjects ()(0)
End If
If depth < color="#ccccff">'divide the original spiral and add points
points = Rhino.DivideCurve (spiral,8,True)
Dim i
'This loop just scales the original spiral to 1/4 the
'size and creates a copy at all points.
For i = 0 To Ubound(points)
Dim newSpiral
newSpiral = Rhino.ScaleObject (spiral, points(i), Array(0.25, 0.
25, 0.0), True)
Spirals newSpiral, depth+1, maxDepth
End If
End Sub
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