Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Organic cylinders

Check this script out. This is another version of the tilted grid iteration:

Option Explicit
'Script written by
'Script copyrighted by '
Script version Tuesday, October 07, 2008 6:27:54 PM

Call Main()
Sub Main()
Dim y, x, aref(1), arefB(1) Dim aref1(1), arefB2(1), arrobjects3, arrobjects4
For x = 0 To 20
For y = 0 To 20
'arrObjects3 = Rhino.Addcylinder(Array(x,y,0), Array(x,y,2),.1)
arrObjects4 = Rhino.Addcylinder(Array(y,x,0), Array(x,x,2),.1)

aref1(0) = Array(x,x,1)
aref1(1) = Array(x,x,1)
arefB2(0) = Array(y,x,0)
arefB2(1) = Array(0,0,3)

Call Rhino.OrientObject (arrobjects4, (aref1), (arefB2))


End Sub

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