Monday, December 15, 2008


Hey, How is everyone doing with their stuff?

First Lace Attempt

SA: My first attempt at a lace pattern; I modified my tower script

Wednesday, December 3, 2008


i dont know if you guys have heard of this or not but i came upon this skyscraper being built in chicago and thought i should share it with all of you.
i feel like in my research, especially with hist of arch, we find that its not always so good to keep repeating the past and to create something new and different, but when i saw this building it reminded me of the treatises we are reading. they all revert towards nature and i feel like this building is a good representation of the past naturalistic ideals that were considered so important and a new and exciting futuristic concept.

Tuesday, November 25, 2008


SA: This hit me when me brother called my hat a Phillies hat when it is actually a PhilaU hat, i think the school got ripped off by whoever(whomever)? designed the logo

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Simeon's Wedding

SA: First and foremost I would like to congratulate and thank Simeon for allowing me to be a part of this special occasion. I would also like to applaud him on his elegant, well spoken, thoughtful, and heart-felt vowels.

Aside from the ceremony starting about an hour late, apparently due to some late groomsmen, it was a beautiful ceremony. Simeon was well composed, confident, obviously happy and excited, and of course kept the humor up by making Jackie (bride) repeat "I do" so everyone else could hear it. Jackie looked absolutely beautiful. She maintained a heart-warming and radiant smile throughout the ceremony and the entire day.

The reception was a good time. I very much enjoyed the food and the cake. The MC of the reception was quite humorous and kept the atmosphere light and comfortable. All of those who spoke did so well. It was easily seen that they were speaking from the heart and care very much for both Simeon and Jackie.

I am going to be as bold as to speak for the rest of Table 7, we were honored to be there to celebrate with you this joyous occasion, and we appreciate the shout-out during your speech.

I wish you both the best of luck and lifetime of happiness and success in all of your future endeavors.

There are photo posted on my facebook page


CR: There are some fascinating things coming out of this man's code. His blog is just visually stunning! Check it out here:

Wednesday, November 19, 2008


Crystal and I have decided that we all need to go out before the last day, or before Crystal leaves. That does include you Nico and Christian!

Super Sweet!

Check out this super sexy Voronoi-type ceiling! Nice application idea.

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Rocky Steps @ the PMA

SA: This is from Google Maps, thought it was worth sharing

SS: Calculus Based Form: An Interview With Greg Lynn

If you get a chance take a look at this article before class tonight. I will be presenting on Greg Lynn's approach to architecture and scripting methods.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Playtime links!
hey check this link out.

these guys moved into actual shell!!

I think can be used as an example of scripting even though that technique wasn't involved.

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Cool Site

SA: This is a cool blog that has some nice looking scripts including some voronoi cell spaces

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Script I found

SA: You need to start with a 3D shape in your space

Option Explicit'Script written by

'Script copyrighted by
'Script version den 14 maj 2008 12:05:17
'Unrolls multiple surfaces/polysurfaces and puts a ID-tag at the center of each surface/polysurface
Call UnrollMulti()
Sub UnrollMulti()
Dim arrObjects, strObject, intID, intN, strSurface
intN = 0
intID = 0
arrObjects = Rhino.GetObjects("Pick srfs or polysrfs", 8+16,False,True, False)
If IsArray(arrObjects) Then For Each strObject In arrObjects
Dim lngColor, arrPoint, strCoordinates, strObject2, arrPoints, strText, strPoint, arrObject2, arrPoint2, strDot
'Make ID tag
intID = intID + 1
strText = CStr(intID)
'Get Color lngColor = Rhino.ObjectColor (strObject)
Call Rhino.EnableRedraw(False)
'Extract Surface if Object is Polysurface
If Rhino.ObjectType(strObject) = 16 Then
arrExpSrfs, intI, strObjectCopy
intI = 0
strObjectCopy = Rhino.CopyObject(strObject)
arrExpSrfs = Rhino.ExplodePolysurfaces (strObjectCopy)
If isArray(arrExpSrfs) Then
For Each strSurface In arrExpSrfs
If intI > 0 Then
'Get Center Coordinates for Extracted Srf
strSurface = Rhino.SelectObject (strSurface)
Rhino.Command "_PointsFromUV Normalized=Yes 0.5 0.5 Enter"
Rhino.DeleteObject strSurface
intN = intN+1
Rhino.Command "_SelNone"
Rhino.Command "_SelLast"
arrPoints = Rhino.SelectedObjects
End If intI = intI + 1
End If
'Get Center Coordinates for Srf
strSurface = Rhino.SelectObject (strObject)
Rhino.Command "_PointsFromUV Normalized=Yes 0.5 0.5 Enter"
intN = intN+1
Rhino.Command "_SelNone"
Rhino.Command "_SelLast"
arrPoints = Rhino.SelectedObjects
End If
If IsArray(arrPoints) Then
For Each strPoint In arrPoints
If Rhino.ObjectType(strPoint) = 1 Then
arrPoint = Rhino.PointCoordinates (strPoint)
DeleteObject strPoint
End If
End If
'Insert Dot1
Rhino.AddTextDot strText, arrPoint
Rhino.Command "_SelNone"
'Change Color of Dot1 strDot = Rhino.FirstObject
'Rhino.ObjectColor strDot, lngColor
' Rhino.MatchObjectAttributes strDot,strObject
Rhino.Command "_SelNone"
Rhino.SelectObject (strObject)
Rhino.Command "_UnrollSrf Enter Enter"
Rhino.Command "_SelNone"
Rhino.Command "_SelLast"
'Rhino.Command "Move 0,0,0 "
'Get Center Coordinates
arrObject2 = Rhino.SelectedObjects
Dim strNewObj
If IsArray(arrObject2) Then
For Each strObject2 In arrObject2
'Change Color
strObject2, lngColor
'Rhino.MatchObjectAttributes strObject2,strObject
'Extract Surface if Object is Polysurface
If Rhino.ObjectType(strObject2) = 16 Then
intI = 0
arrExpSrfs = Rhino.ExplodePolysurfaces (strObject2)
If isArray(arrExpSrfs) Then
For Each strSurface In arrExpSrfs
If intI > 0 Then
strNewObj = strSurface
End If
End If
strNewObj = Rhino.CopyObject(strObject2)
End If
Rhino.Command "_PointsFromUV Normalized=Yes 0.5 0.5 Enter"
Rhino.Command "_SelNone"
Rhino.Command "_SelLast"
arrPoints = Rhino.SelectedObjects
End If
If IsArray(arrPoints) Then
For Each strPoint In arrPoints
If Rhino.ObjectType(strPoint) = 1 Then
arrPoint2 = Rhino.PointCoordinates (strPoint)
End If
End If
'Insert Dot2
'Rhino.AddTextDot strText, arrPoint2
Rhino.Command "_SelNone"
Dim strDot2
'Change Color of Dot2
strDot2 = Rhino.FirstObject
'Rhino.MatchObjectAttributes strDot2,strDot
'Rhino.ObjectColor strDot2, lngColor
Rhino.Command "_SelNone"
strObject = Rhino.FirstObject (True)
Rhino.NextObject strObject, True
Rhino.Command "Group"
Call Rhino.EnableRedraw(True)
Rhino.Command "Move 0,0,0 "
End If
End Sub

Friday, October 31, 2008

SickNastastic Branching Structure

SFS: Botanical garden in Colombia : Designed by Plan B

Thursday, October 30, 2008

CR: First and foremost, today marks the end of Mercury in retrograde! We made it guys! Christian, I know you are particularly excited. You should be.

Below are two links to things that I will mention in my presentation this evening. One is David Fano's website that offers some really interesting tutorials, and at the very least, images of interesting digital models and scripts. The site is

Also, if you are interested in reading the full article on the fabrication of Daniel Libeskind's Futuropolis, (I could not possibly discuss the details of all of it in my presentation), the link is:

Rock on, Script-ites.

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Apply Crystal Structure

SB: This is a small wooden bungalo by Sou Fujimoto in Kumamoto, Japan. Concieved by mindlessly stacking large piecees of lumber, the final wooden structure is reminiscent of the crystals in the cave. Does this evolution of form answer to the emergent qualities of crystal forms?

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

giant crystals

WHITE HOUSE REDUX: Interesting Competition

SS: This was a international competition challenging designers to rethink the design of the White House of the future...

"Home of the world's most powerful individual. Universally recognized symbol of political authority. One of America's greatest tourist attractions. Nerve-center of the world's most complex communications system. The ultimate architectural embodiment of power.
Few people realize the extent of the White House, since much of it is below ground or otherwise concealed by landscaping. The White House includes: Six stories and 55,000 square feet of floor space, 132 rooms and 35 bathrooms, 412 doors, 147 windows, twenty-eight fireplaces, eight staircases, three elevators, five full-time chefs, a tennis court, a bowling alley, a movie theater, a jogging track, a swimming pool, and a putting green. It receives about 5,000 visitors a day.
The original White House design, by James Hoban, was the result of a competition held in 1792. Over the centuries, presidents have added rooms, facilities and even entire new wings, turning the White House into the labyrinthine complex it is today.
What if, instead of in 1792, that competition were to be held today? What would a White House designed in 2008, year of election of the 44th President of the United States, look like?
On occasion of the election of the 44th President of the United States of America,
Storefront for Art and Architecture, in association with Control Group, challenged the world to design a new residence for the world's most powerful individual. The best ideas, selected by some of the world's most distinguished designers and critics, are going to be featured in a month-long exhibition at Storefront for Art and Architecture in October 2008. Please enter your email address to be notified of exhibit dates.On occasion of the election of the 44th President of the United States of America Storefront for Art and Architecture, in association with Control Group, challenges you to design a new residence for the world's most powerful individual. The best ideas, selected by some of the world's most distinguished designers and critics, will be featured in a month-long exhibition at Storefront for Art and Architecture in September 2008 and published in Surface magazine."

... Take a look.

Warning: I'm not sure what to think about the project/ presentation that took 1st prize. Shawn Dougherty's project, number 473, is an interesting presentation style... considering how often they push black and white in the arch studios. Awesome quote from one of Dougherty's presentation- " McCain strives to preserve America and its traditions: the rich can enjoy the bigness and beauty of this great country. while god helps the poor."

Posted projects with descriptions and images:

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Potentially Cool Software

its called Ecotect and runs various environmental simulations for sustainability. Be careful though, it is an Autodesk program.